INVOCATION Solo Exhibition of New Work by Kimberly Webber

INVOCATION You are invited to the annual solo exhibition of new paintings by Evolutionary Artist Kimberly Webber. INVOCATION opens Friday, December 29th, 2017 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Untitled Fine Art, 133 Kit Carson Road, Taos. Join us to celebrate the new series of archetypal mineral pigment paintings,  enjoy live music and organic refreshments. For more info phone the gallery at 575-758-3969.

New Eyes, New Vision at Sacred Mountain

New Eyes, New Vision at Sacred Mountain Conference at El Monte Sagrao Resort, two blocks east of Untitled Fine Art in downtown Taos, New Mexico. Evolutionary artist Kimberly Webber is leading participants in a guided meditation through the portal of the healing archetypes in her work. For more info visit